About Me
Where creativity happens.
Creativity is just connecting things
For the first time, UC Berkeley had moved its graduation ceremony online with Minecraft.
Corporate projects like client testimonial, home-buying Explainer with Flyhomes.
Wake Up Vegas
It was only when I visited Las Vegas that I realized the city changes its face ultimately when the sunsets.
Airpods Pro, With Music
I want the earphones to dance with music. How do I achieve that with minimal setups?
Apple Pencil, Engraving
Engraving things you love on my Apple Pencil. Shout out to your family, community, and personality.
Pro Mode On
Should the stock camera app give us more professional settings other than the Raw? What can the app improve?
Airbnb Luxe
I had only 3 hours in the client's space by myself to create this advertising video for the extraordinary home.
We Create Lights
What's the limitation of the cameras? What is the worst condition could iPhone handles? (iPhone 11 Pro)
Why I am creating these?
Hi, I'm Mark.
I am a videographer and photographer in the Bay Area.
I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, and... Go Bears!
For the past few years, I have been creating video/photo content for companies, me, and more importantly, this society.