For the first time, UC Berkeley had moved its graduation ceremony online with Minecraft.
Video Project
2 Week
Project Owner Video Editor
MAY 2020
Project Story
Our chancellor Carol Christ officially announced that the 2020 University of California, Berkeley Commencement will occur at Blockeley University in May 16, 2020.
I was fortunate to collaborate with Blockeley University to produce this trailer. I saw too many tragedies due to the Covid-19 pandemic and thought that if I can inspire Berkeley students, alumni, and staff, that would be the cool thing to do. I am so excited that the video is spreading out and influencing more people! The Video has a total of more than 100K views online.
I want to thank Bjorn Lustic for creating the Blockeley University world. Students felt warm when they were able to have a vision on the campus at quarantine. Next, I want to shout out to Harrison Miao. I reached out to him and proposed my idea. Our communication was smooth and efficient. Harrison helped me with every one of my questions and everything I need. Sihan Zhaowas also amazing. We spent two days on the fonts and graphic design to make the caption and tile to fit the vibe. Last but not least, Zihan (Andy) Zhong, Grace (Jingyang) Zhao, and Oliver Yu contributed crucial pieces that made the video even better.