Solution 1
Onboarding Tutorial
We had very limited time on developing solutions so prioritize this task is important.
1. A clear and concise tutorial
2. An MVP design that can delivery quickly without sacrificing the upcoming users' experience
Decision Making
We considered option: Pop-up tutorial as the best because:
1. Easy and fast to build in terms of our tight schedule.
2. Sustainability. Easy for future revision and development.
The Design & Impact
The tutorial worked pretty well and reduced the drop-off rate significantly along with solution 2.

Accident Finding To Iteration
After 2 month, when we do the user flow usability testing , at the end of the testing, I always summarize for the guest:
You can think of Airhome as a regular leasing process, but we handle all your transactions and contracts.

Oh, this is it. Now it's very easy to understand!
Guests understood my explanation rapidly. It inspired us to integrate this concept to tutorial.
Final Design
Solution 2
Optimize The Action Items
The house detail page is where guests drop off the most from Airhome. We need to make sure guests are willing to use the product at this stage.
Resign The "Request Button"
Change the "Send a request" to "Get a quote." And we add an explanation to the button.

Create A Roundabout
After a guest hits the "Get a quote" button, a pop-up message appears. We add action items to encourage guests to continue website use and reduce drop-offs.

Final Prototype